What can be sweeter to us, dear brethren, than this voice of the Lord inviting us? Behold, in His loving kindness the Lord shows us the way of life.
– Rule of St. Benedict, Prologue
Where do I fit in?
I feel called to the monastic life, but where do I fit in? How can I serve as a Benedictine at Our Lady of Good Hope?
The following describes the basic ways of life at our Monastery.
Clerics dedicated to the integral service of the liturgy and, normally, destined for the priesthood.
Brothers not destined for the priesthood who, imitating Saint Joseph, dedicate themselves to the ceaseless prayer of the heart in the daily tasks entrusted to them.
Cloistered Oblates, feel the call to the monastic life, but are unable for various reasons to make a life-long commitment. They therefore join us as Cloistered Oblates, participating fully in our life and make a renewable oblation (a gift) for a year at a time. Cloistered Oblates may leave the community at anytime or may in serious instances also be asked to leave.
Often times, secular or religious priests or deacons from other countries or other areas who want to experience missionary life or both missionary life and monastic life are welcome to join us for an extended period of time, often for one year.
Laymen and Laywomen, single and married: secular Oblates of the Society. Oblates share in our spiritual and prayer life. They partner with and join us in mission and on special days of prayer and recollection.
Postulancy – 6 months
Novitiate – 12 months
Temporary Oath – 2 years or more
Permanent Oath after 4 years
between 17 and 55 years of age.
successful completion of a course of study or mastery of a manual skill.
unmarried and living a chaste life.
free of debt.
not trying to evade the challenges, and responsibilities of life in the world.
without a criminal record.
not responsible for the support of aged parents.
free of addictions to tobacco, alcohol, daggah, and other stimulants.
You must be able to present:
a letter of recommendation from your Parish Priest or Chaplain.
certificate of Baptism and Confirmation.
complete medical report.
attestation of studies completed.
Police Clearance Certificate
personal documents, i.e. identity card, etc.
Once accepted, postulants should have funds or access to funds sufficient to cover any unusual expenses that may arise during the postulancy, and sufficient to pay travel expenses should one be dismissed by the Prior, or choose not to pursue life in our community.
Prospective candidates can contact the Prior.