Newsletter Easter 2022

Dear Friends,

It has been a busy few months since our last newsletter at Christmas. We hope you enjoy reading about our activities, which mainly focused on building up our youth, who certainly need all the support they can get. We are very privileged to be able to make a difference in so many young lives, thanks to supporters and readers such as yourselves. 

Of important to note in our newsletter is a big announcement. The monastic community has made the decision to relocate to the United States. Fr. Trudeau will return at the end of May to find a suitable pastoral placement in a G3 parish and once settled will work on the paperwork to bring our Fr. Moses and Br. Andries to the USA to join him at the new priory. We ask everyone to please pray for our community during this transition.

Fr. Trudeau will remain as the Vicar General of the Diocese of the West for the time-being until an adequate situation can be found. As such, he will still continue to support financially the ministries in South Africa. Donations to the Diocese can be made to the SPMS and will be sent to the Diocesan Bank Account in South Africa. The Diocese and ministries still need support even if Fr. Trudeau is not there. 

We also need your support in the USA. You can read more about our needs and future in the newsletter. We shall be able to receive tax-deductible donations for our monastery after the bank account is opened in June. 

Finally, we are looking for 2 laity to serve on our new board of trustees. More information is in the newsletter. Please contact us if you feel called to assist us in this important matter. Click here to download our latest newsletter.

Kind regards and be assured of our prayers,
Fr. Damien Trudeau OSB