Khuma Church Burgled (Again)

We hope that this does not become habit. During the night of Saturday 21 August 2021, one or more thieves made entry into the back wall of the Church. Having been emptied of all contents, we are sure they were surprised that there was nothing to steal. Not wanting to leave empty-handed, the thieves decided it would be expedient to tear half of the altar rail out. They half-heartedly used this to try and ply some of the zinc off of the back wall of the church. They must not have had much luck as they just left it; perhaps there were easier targets? Again, not to be undone, they decided to steal the gradine (it’s that little step on the back of the mensa) and left it about 100 feet in the dirt behind the Church; unscratched. They then proceeded to break into 3 of the 4 other churches surrounding us. They did manage to find an easier target and stole most of the backside and roof of another Church and ran off with the zinc (tin) sheets. Several of the Church members came together and after waiting several hours for police, went to the home of the burglars and found the zinc, nicely packaged and ready to be shipped off, most likely haven already been sold. We remain certain that someone knows who stole our cross, candle sticks, chalice, etc, but no one is talking. We are just having to do without.